Courses offered by UGC-MMTTC of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati

The environment includes all living organisms and all natural resources on planet Earth. These biotic and abiotic factors influence each other.  Microorganisms.  Plants, animals and human beings are examples of biotic factors while abiotic includes air, water, soil, land, sunlight etc. There is an interlinking and inter as well as intra-dependence among these biotic and abiotic factors. Environmental science includes systematic and scientific study of all these factors.

Environmental resources are very important for all living organisms. Resources are both renewable and non-renewable resources. Renewable resources are those which can be used without the possibility of the resource becoming depleted or exhausted. That is, a continuous supply of the resource remains available. Examples of renewable resources are the trees in the forests and the fishes in the ocean on the other hand non-renewable resources are those which get exhausted with extraction and use, for example, fossil fuel. The environment also assimilates waste generated by all living organisms. It sustains life by providing genetics and biodiversity and it also provides aesthetic services like scenery etc.

The increase in population, unlimited use of natural resources, accumulation of solid waste including hazardous waste, pollution of all kinds of the environment to a large extent has deteriorated the environment at the global level. Today the world is facing its consequences. We all have to take steps for the conservation of the environment at local, national and global levels.  Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The concept of sustainable development can be interpreted in many different ways, but at its core is an approach to development that looks to balance different, and often competing, needs against an awareness of the environmental, social and economic limitations we face as a society.


  • To understand the concept of environmental science, environmental awareness & Conservation. 
  • To create awareness about environmental conservation needs and importance
  • To analyze the causes and effects of ‘environmental degradation’ and natural ‘resource depletion
  • To understand environmental challenges at local, national and global levels.
  • To study the concept of Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals

Programme Outcomes

  • Accept the importance of Environmental science, awareness, Consciousness & Conservation.
  • Understand the importance of SDGs for a future society.  
  • Identify the critical role of teachers in attaining SDGs.  
  • Realize their role by appropriately integrating SDGs for environmental conservation into their teaching and research.

Details of Entrance Exam

Admission to M.Sc. Biotechnology - Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati 444602 Maharashtra

There shall be an Entrance Examination for M.Sc. Biotechnology (Two Year degree Course – Semester Pattern). The question paper for the entrance examination will be of two hours duration and divided into two parts:

Part A will have multiple choice questions at the level of 10 + 2. The questions will be asked from Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology. There will be 30 questions. Each question will carry one mark (Total Marks for Part A – 30).

Part B will also have multiple choice questions at the level of Bachelor Degree. There will be 10 questions from Chemistry and 60 questions from Biology (Botany, Zoology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Genetics, Biotechnology). Each question will carry one mark. (Total Marks for Part B– 70).

Sample questions

In order to give an idea about the standard of questions expected to be answered by the candidates, a set of sample questions is given below. However, it may be noted that the pattern of question may change from year to year.

Part A

    1. Cryogenics deals with the study of matter

a) Near absolute zero b) At low temperature

c) At high temperature d) Near zero degree Celsius

    1. When on heating, a solid becomes vapour without forming any liquid, it is said to have sublimed. Which of the following sublimes on heating?

a) Salt b) Iodine

c) Iron d) Calcium

    1. Which non-toxic,fast growing cyanobacterium is cultivated in tanks as a protein – rich animal feed?

a) Stigonema b) Spirulina

c) Nostoc d) Oscillatoria

    1. Beena used a calculator to find the product 0.075 x 2.56. She forgot to enter the decimal points. The calculator showed 19200. If Beena had entered the decimal points correctly, the answer would have been -

a) 0.0192 b) 0.192

c) 1.92 d) 19.2

Part B

    1. Emasculation of the flower means

a)Removal of flower b) Removal of petals

c) Removal of anthers d) Removal of stigma

    1. The somatic characters which are located on sex chromosome are called –

a) Sex determination b) Sex linked characters

c) Complete linkage d) Incomplete linkage

    1. In which of the following cellular respiration occurs

a)Ribosome b) Nucleus

c) Mitochondria d) Golgi bodies

    1. Protein part of the enzyme is called

a)Prosthetic group b) Apoenzyme

c) Holoenzyme d) All of these

    1. In Gram positive bacteria, the cell membrane becomes invaginated and folded to form structures called -

a) Flagella b) Plasmid

c) Mesosomes d) Peroxisomes

    1. If the plant cell or the tissue is placed in hypertonic solution the water comes out of the cell sap into the outer solution and the cell becomes flaccid. This process is known as –

a) Turgor pressure b) Wall pressure

c) Exosmosis d) Endosmosis

    1. The scientist who shared Nobel prize with James D Watson and F. Crick for the structure of DNA

a)Har Govind Khurana b) Nirenberg

c) Maurice Wilkins d) Swaminathan

    1. The technique to determine the protein binding sites on DNA is called as –

a) DNA fingerprinting b) DNA foot printing



As everyone knows, the COVID-19 Pandemic has dramatically changed education with tremendous change in the entire Higher Education System.  It has created a distinctive need of E-learning & teaching in all areas including remote areas. Even before this pandemic, Information Communication Technology was emerged at high speed, but this pandemic made all of us technical experts to sustain in the virtual world. In the system of Higher Education & even in society, teachers are pivots of the education system and play a very important role hence, they need to evolve more than ever, an innovative approach to equip themselves with the skills necessary to create a holistic and stress-free learning environment for teaching and learning.

             Education is the single most important instrument for social & economic transformation. Various government initiatives are being adopted to boost the growth of the education system, besides focusing on new education techniques, such as E-learning and M-learning. In contemporary times our Universities cannot promote an academic life in isolation but are required to champion reason and imagination in engagement with the wider society and its concerns.

While it is universally accepted that the teacher is the pivot of the educational system, our system does not provide adequate opportunities for their professional development. Being a teacher sharpens the intellects of students, is considered an important source of this drastic transformation of students.

 Realizing that teachers have to be in the centre stage of these developments, provisions for their motivational training and consistent exposure to innovative trends and advanced knowledge in various disciplines and across disciplines, need to be revisited and re-engineered in consonance with the contemporary scenario of the country. Not only the faculty but new strategies for the governance of educational institutions are also needed to promote innovative, broad and dynamic collaborative models.  Under the given scenario it is expected that teachers will assure the role of a leader & facilitator.

Kothari Commission (1964) remarks, it is education that determines the level of prosperity, welfare & security of the people. It is still relevant in the context of teacher education.

Teacher Education in India, over the years, has been striving to make the teachers internalize this mission & steer them towards achieving it. But unlike the teachers in school education, a faculty in higher education joins the teaching profession without any formal training in teaching, learning & assessment. Understanding the capabilities in these areas along with the awareness of policies, governance & administrative structures can help new teachers entering higher education to improve teaching and management skills, adjust to the culture of higher education institutions and better understand their professional responsibilities. The teacher are also expected to have a clear understanding of planning curriculum & pedagogical strategies, generating new knowledge for an equitable society, maintenance of academic integrity and integrating sustainability in teaching and personal life. Quality of education is determined as well as dependent on the quality of teachers.

Faculty Induction through the Malaviya Teacher Training Centre constitutes an important strategy for achieving faculty excellence along with all the above goals.

The present higher education system focuses only on the subject knowledge of the faculty. It does not focus on the teaching-learning process, pedagogical content and various tools which are very vital to increase the quality of learning experience in different educational programmes.

Hence, it will be mandatory for newly appointed faculty to undergo Faculty Induction Programme after their appointment in Higher Education institutions.

This Induction Programme will include teaching and research methodologies (Flip classrooms, collaborative learning, case approach) Use of ICT, curriculum structure and design, sensitization to gender and social diversity, professional ethics, sharing of best practices and updating development in the field of study etc.

The Faculty Induction Programme has a critical role to play in promoting academic excellence and innovation. This is one of the priority actions aimed at improving the professional capability and performance of teachers to deliver effective and quality learning.

Hence, the Faculty Induction Programme will include four possible types of development:

  • Personal           :- (Interpersonal Skills, Carrier Development & Life Planning                                   Issues)
  • Instructional     :- (Course Design & Development, Instructional Technology)
  • Organization    :- (Ways to improve the institutional environment to better                                   support teaching)
  • Professional     :- (Ways to support faculty members so that they fulfil their                                  multiple roles of Teaching, research & service)                   

UGC-Malviya Mission Teacher Training Centre of Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati has conducted the Faculty Induction Programme by keeping all above in mind. The Faculty Induction Programme is of one-month duration consisting of 24 working days. (24x04=96) for each day 06 contact hours each of 90 minutes duration.  Along with these live sessions, various assignments/ Project Proposal writing/ MCQ tests / Microteaching technique assignments will be given to teacher participants to complete contact hours.

            Evaluation & Grading will be carried out strictly by considering Gurudakshata and UGC MMTTC guidelines. There will be live interaction among participants and Resource Persons for almost all sessions. Group Discussion was also carried out for a few sessions as per the needs of topics.

            The entire programme was based on Gurudakshata & Resource Persons were invited strictly on the basis of modules given in Gurudakshata. Almost all modules in the range of 70 to 90% were completed by eminent experts across India. 


    The Faculty Induction Programme of our Malviya mission teacher training Centre is planned & designed on the basis of Gurudakshata modules to fulfil all specific objectives listed below. Those objectives can orient teacher participants on various generic aspects of Teaching and Learning, Instructional Methodologies, Assessment & Evaluation Techniques. ICT enabled teaching & learning etc. and equip them with knowledge of University rules & regulations, basics of governance & administrations.

    1.       To understand the roles and responsibilities of assistant professors - in 

               the institution, society etc. 

    2.       To make them understand various pedagogical processes with 

              reference to :

                 a.       Use of Resource & Assessment

                 b.       Management of Classroom & Transaction

                 c.       Aims of Higher Education

                 d.       Institutional Planning

    3.       To develop Various skills among participants

    4.       To make them familiarize with structure functioning, governance, rules,            regulations, professional expectations in educational institution.  

    5.       To train them for various ICT based methods and techniques of                         evaluation, teaching, learning, E-content development etc.

    6.       To make them aware about administrative set-up.

    7.       To sensitize them about classroom realities.

    8.       To understand the bond between different stakeholders for realizing 

              the professional aspirations.

    9.       To develop them as agents of socio economic change for national                    development.

    10.   To create awareness of about environment and sustainable development.

    11.   To make them understand role of facilitators.

    12.   To adopt transformative and innovative approaches in higher education.

    13.   To understand significance of higher education.

    14.   To acquire and improve basic skills of teaching at the college and                       university level.

    15.   To understand the organization and management of a college/University.

    16.   To create and utilize opportunities of personality initiative and creativity.

    17.   To provide a comprehensive and structured look at the challenges and

            opportunities brought by the use of ICT & Open content (OER & 

            MOOCs) in higher education.

    18.   To sensitize and motivate the faculty to adopt learner centered                          approaches.

    19.   To promote academic excellence, teaching innovation research                           capabilities & leadership skills.

    20.   To improve professional capabilities and teacher performance of

            teachers to deliver effective and quality learning. 

Learning Outcomes 

By the end of the Faculty Induction Programme (Guru Dakshta), participants will be able to:

  • Apply Effective Teaching Strategies: Utilize a variety of pedagogical techniques to enhance student learning and engagement.
  • Conduct Rigorous Research: Design and execute research projects, contributing to academic knowledge and innovation.
  • Demonstrate Professionalism: Exhibit high standards of professional conduct and ethical behaviour in all academic activities.
  • Integrate Technology in Education: Employ digital tools and platforms to facilitate teaching, learning, and research.
  • Foster Student Development: Support the holistic development of students by addressing their academic, emotional, and social needs.
  • Exhibit Leadership Skills: Lead and collaborate effectively within academic and institutional settings, contributing to policy-making and administration.
  • Promote Lifelong Learning: Commit to continuous professional development and lifelong learning to stay updated with the latest advancements in higher education.

The UGC-sponsored Refresher Course in Chemistry, organised by the Malaviya Mission Teacher Training Centre at Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, aims to provide an in-depth and contemporary understanding of chemistry aligned with the National Education Policy-2020 goals. This virtual course is designed for faculty members seeking to enhance their chemistry knowledge, skills, and pedagogical approaches. The course includes live sessions, hands-on assignments, case studies, and assessments, fostering a comprehensive and engaging learning environment.


  1. Align with NEP Goals: To integrate the principles of the National Education Policy in the teaching and learning of chemistry, promoting a holistic and interdisciplinary approach.
  2. Knowledge Enhancement: To update participants on the latest advancements and research in various branches of chemistry.
  3. Skill Development: To provide practical experience with modern experimental techniques, computational tools, and data analysis in chemistry.
  4. Innovative Pedagogy: To introduce innovative teaching methodologies and strategies to improve the teaching-learning process in chemistry.
  5. Professional Networking: To facilitate networking and collaboration among peers and experts in the field, encouraging professional growth and interdisciplinary research.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Advanced Knowledge: Demonstrate an advanced understanding of contemporary topics and cutting-edge research in chemistry, aligned with NEP objectives.
  2. Practical Skills: Apply modern experimental techniques and computational tools to address complex chemical problems.
  3. Innovative Teaching: Implement innovative teaching strategies and methodologies in their educational practices, enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes.
  4. Critical Analysis: Analyze and critically evaluate case studies, research papers, and real-world chemical problems, developing solutions and insights.
  5. Interdisciplinary Integration: Develop and execute interdisciplinary research proposals, fostering collaboration with peers and experts from various scientific backgrounds.
  6. Professional Competency: Exhibit enhanced professional skills, including scientific communication, project management, and ethical practices in research and teaching, in line with NEP standards.

Course Structure

  • Live Sessions: Interactive lectures and discussions with leading experts, providing real-time engagement and Q&A opportunities to delve deep into advanced chemical concepts.
  • Hands-On Assignments: Practical exercises and projects designed to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, enhancing problem-solving skills.
  • Case Studies: In-depth analysis of selected case studies to understand the application of chemical principles in various contexts, fosters critical thinking and practical application.
  • Assessments: Regular assessments, including quizzes, assignments, and a final project, evaluate participants' understanding and application of course material.

This structured approach ensures a comprehensive learning experience, equipping participants with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in their professional and academic endeavors in the field of chemistry, in line with the transformative goals of the National Education Policy.

This refresher course is designed to equip higher education faculty with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively utilize MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), develop e-content, and leverage Open Educational Resources (OERs) in their teaching practices. The course combines live sessions, tutorials, assignments, case studies, and proctored assessments to provide a comprehensive learning experience.


  • Understand the fundamentals of MOOCs, e-content development, and OERs.
  • Learn practical techniques for designing and delivering effective online courses.
  • Explore strategies for creating engaging and interactive e-content.
  • Discover resources and repositories for accessing and sharing OERs.
  • Develop skills to integrate MOOCs, e-content, and OERs into teaching practices to enhance student learning outcomes.

By the end of the course, participants will have gained valuable insights and practical skills to leverage digital technologies and resources effectively in their teaching endeavors, thus enhancing the quality and accessibility of higher education.